WABE Daycare Center Bismarckstrasse - Pinneberg

Außenansicht der WABE-Kita Bismarckstraße Kind klettert im Bewegungsraum

WABE Daycare Center Bismarckstrasse

Bismarckstrasse 12
25421 Pinnenberg
Phone: (04101) 37 64 202
Fax: (04101) 37 64 204
Email: kita.bis@wabenord.de
Management: Anna Krug

Kontaktdaten speichern

Opening hours

Mon - Fri 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Care offer

Crèche, Elementary

Register now

Our small children’s paradise is located in the center of Pinneberg. In the natural garden you can play wonderfully. We pick strawberries on the roof terrace. But the parks in the area are only a few children’s steps away.

If we are not to be found outside, we look forward to bright, friendly rooms. Here we can paint, sing and romp to our heart’s content. Loving care and joie de vivre create space for holistic education.

In the “cultural kindergarten” we introduce children to fine arts, theatre, literature, music, dance and photography at an early age. We playfully encourage creativity and the art of expression and offer plenty of time and space for intensive play.


  • art in dialogue with nature
  • creative workshops
  • nature and environmental projects

Focal points

art and nature

Age group

3 months up to 6 years


Management / Deputy management

Anna Krug
Carolin Hübner
Deputy Management
Ana-Luisa Lopes de Sousa
Focus: studio
Andrea Wibker
Focus: nature & environmental education / sensory integration
Manuela Otto
Focus: building & construction
Moya Werner
Nina Kahlau
Focus: movement
Sandra Heising
Focus: nest
Stacy Breitsprecher
Anna Nowakowski
Focus: musical support / singing bowls
Galina Kraus
Focus: role play
Laura Kobielski
Focus: studio
Mathias Hoyer
Focus: building & construction
Anita Preis
Camelia Pascalov
Peggy Brandt
Stefanie Eschenbach