A day at the daycare center of WABE

The experiences in the first years of life shape and develop the children’s innate curiosity and willingness to learn.

One of the tasks of daycare is to train key competencies and skills – without giving patronizing instructions – in the spirit of a cooperative partnership.

We see a fixed daily structure as a reliable and supportive tool to facilitate the development of the children entrusted to us.

Giving a child the freedom to make age-appropriate decisions enables him or her to make the right individual choice and prepare for and advance to the next possible developmental step.

Greeting and welcome rituals in the daycare centers ensure a good start to the day there. This includes a healthy breakfast buffet where the children serve themselves. The morning circle time orients the children to the day and lets them select an activity.

During the activity period, the child participates in the activity he or she chose during the morning circle time. The guided activities are always aligned with the current educational and developmental issues relevant to the children, which the educational staff observes and pays attention to every day.

During the playtime period that follows, the children take part in small projects or participate in targeted activities that support and facilitate their development.

There is a specified time period for lunch that varies from one center to another, adapted to the local conditions. The children know the opportunities that are available in their daycare center and use the lunchtime to take a break from playing and recharge their batteries for the afternoon with a healthy lunch.

Depending on their age and individual needs, children then have time to take a nap, rest or continue playing.

In the afternoon, the playtime, games and projects that were started earlier can be continued. Other activities are offered that are geared towards the children’s interests and issues. The children are offered a light afternoon snack.

Personal hygiene and body care is undertaken for all children at set times, as well as in addition to individual needs.

Depending on the center, early and late care are available.

Parents are provided with the current daily schedule and informed about any changes or additions when they bring or pick up their child to the daycare center, and the information is always available via the center’s information system (notices, via e-mail, on the center’s website).