Child protection – safe and secure places for children

WABE ensures that all facilities are safe and secure places for children. We understand this as providing a safe and stable environment and dependable caregivers for the children as well as attentive, respectful, compassionate treatment of and with all children. Trust and stable, reliable relationships are essential for the child to learn, to explore and experiment, and to try out things.

We do not tolerate any offensive, aggressive or violent behaviour. This applies to both physical and emotional abuse and violence.

In our general safety and security concept, WABE e. V. describes the cornerstones for the well-being, safety and protection of the children in our daycare centers. It forms the binding basis for the facility-specific safety and security in all WABE daycare centers.

In a framework protection concept, WABE e. V. describes the cornerstones for the well-being and protection of the child in our facilities. It forms the binding basis for the facility-specific protection concepts in all WABE daycare centers and cooperations with schools.