WABE Daycare Center Spiel(t)raum - Rellingen

Außenansicht Kinder am Kletternetz

WABE Daycare Center Spiel(t)raum

Nettelkroog 1
25462 Relingen
Phone: 04101-5176560
Fax: 04101-5176562
Email: kita.spi@wabenord.de
Management: Zohreh Ranjkardar

Kontaktdaten speichern

Opening hours

Mon - Thurs 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Fri 7 a.m. to 5 p.m,

Care offer

Crèche, Elementary

Register now

A dream! A paradise to play in. The cherry tomatoes (almost) grow into our mouths, the pumpkins are just about ready to bear and the sunflowers thrive here three times as big as we are. A place for 120 children to grow carefree.

Under the motto “We conquer the world!”, we believe in learning through exploration and experimentation. Our in-house production kitchen provides healthy food with freshly cooked products every day,


  • roof terrace with weather ship and pirate lookout
  • in-house, certified organic production kitchen (DE-ÖKO-009)

Focal points


Age group

8 weeks to 6 years


Management / Deputy management

Zohreh Ranjkardar
Interim management
Vanessa Kunde
Deputy management
Björn Reinsdorf
Focus: garden / natural sciences
Claudia Wiehe
Colleen Hahn
Deniz Cicekli
Focus: nest
Finja Wiese
Focus: Pikler
Hanna Maury
Hanna Maury
Iwona Stanko
Focus: body / perception / movement on the plateau
Sarah Menger
Focus: health / Kneipp
Veronika Lehmann
Focus: learning workshop & preschool
Christa Brandt
Focus: garden / natural sciences
Kathi Nickel
Focus: creativity / artistic & visual design / language development
Saskia C.
Focus: body / sensory perception
Niklas Felsch
kitchen management
Sabine Brandt
Alina Müggenburg
Georgiana-Alina Benea
Michaela Mohr