WABE Group

WABE Nord Betriebs gGmbH

WABE Nord Betriebs gGmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of WABE e.V. and is responsible for daycare centers in Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It is responsible for the commercial operation and organizational development of existing and planned WABE facilities in the two northern states.

About WABE Nord

The grounds of the International School Campus

WABE International School

“Do School Differently” is the motto of our international school in Pinneberg. At the beginning of September 2016, the school operations of our WABE International School for the Hamburg metropolitan region started. Our international school is a state-approved alternative school and is located in Schleswig-Holstein. It is a recognized IB World School and offers space for up to 300 students in the current expansion phase.

About the WABE International School

WABE International Academy

The WABE International Academy (WIA) offers educational events on many different topics. It was founded in 2007 as an innovative educational institution and subsidiary of WABE e.V. Here, pedagogical specialists and those interested in pedagogy can find a wide range of further training courses. WABE International Academy stands for lifelong learning, innovative educational processes, enthusiasm and global partnerships.

To the WABE International Academy

During further training, educators sit together in a circle
Logo Queen Bee Real Estate

Queen Bee Real Estate

Queen Bee Immobilien GmbH is a subsidiary of WABE e.V. Queen Bee Immobilien focuses on the complete range of assets, administration, property and project development management for educational institutions and commercial properties as well as subsidized real estate. The company administers, manages and accompanies targeted acquisitions and investments in the transaction process and leads them to sustainable success.

To Queen Bee Real Estate

WABE International: WABE-Kita Amman (Jordan)

In September 2018 we opened our first German-English-Arabic daycare center in Amman/Jordan. The facility works trilingually. In the crèche and elementary area, we implement the open pedagogy of mindfulness for around 90 children aged between one and six years. The function rooms are also designed according to the model of our German facilities. They cover all areas of education on the around 1,000 square meters of the daycare center.

To the WABE daycare center Amman (Jordan)

Exterior view of the WABE day-care center in Amman